Monday, January 10, 2011

Should Hate Speech Be Constitutionally-Protected Speech?

News sources such as Bob Scheiffer on CBS News Face The Nation this past Sunday morning offered the possibility that the propensity for hate speech in politics may have contributed to the tragedy in Tucson.  If this is true, should those who make hate speech be held criminally liable for their words if it can be shown their words directly helped incite someone to follow through with lethal action?

Let's suppose for the sake of discussion that Jared Loughner, being internet savvy, was a regular participant in online chats.  Let's then suppose he read a hate-filled post saying Giffords was a lukewarm Democrat because of her views on gun control and should be "taken out."  Should the person making such a post then become criminally liable along with the shooter?

This tragedy should tell us that "words have consequences" and we should make every effort to guard our speech eliminating hate from it.  Or we may find ourselves facing criminal charges.

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